This is a circle casting that I wrote while Brigid and I prepared this years Rowan ritual.
Maiden, Mother and Crone Circle Casting
By Tallis Dracos Herne
(Center yourself)
This circle of power I do cast,
(First time around)
the energies raised within shall be sealed
Just as the Maiden dances round the cauldron,
so must we create this sacred space and sanctified place.
(Second time around)
Like the Mother watching and protecting her children
I cast out all negative thoughts and energies!
Within this circle let none stray of intent!
(Third time around)
As the Crone’s power grows with wisdom and patience
So to must the power of this mighty circle!
We have become a place of honor and blessing
So Mote it be!
Closing the Circle
(Hold athame or wand over altar say)
As the fire dies down, let it be relit in our hearts.
(Beginning in the East, going Widdershins, open Circle)
This Circle is open, yet is unbroken.
May its inspiration continue within our being.
So mote it be!
48 Hour Dreams
By Tallis Dracos Herne
Have you ever had a dream? Something that you really wanted to do, yet it never quite happened? I’ve lived a life full of big dreams! To be a veterinarian, a musician, a bodyguard, a painter, a poet or a priest! Yet one dream has always remained at the forefront of my mind: to work in the movies! Ever since I was old enough to understand what movies were, I wanted to be a part of that magic. In high school I took a film class and discovered my calling: special effects makeup. To create a wound, perhaps add some horns or to transform into a weathered old man with a bugged out eye… it became a passion that I had a talent for!
Do you remember your dream? That one impossible thing that sets your soul on fire?
Yet I lived my life in limbo, a perpetual state of desire. Never quite taking that first step to create the life of my dreams. I worked, I played and makeup was relegated to Halloween. Time marched relentlessly forward, years ticked by and decades rolled past leaving little in their wake but a hollow ache.
Has life ever gotten in your way? When you knew exactly what you wanted to do yet it remained tantalizingly just out of reach…
One day I randomly heard about a film contest and a stranger who needed a crew in order to compete. In an uncharacteristically bold moment I sent out… an email! “Do you need a makeup artist?” I asked. A question to be laughed at I was sure. “WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? YOU’RE NOT GOOD ENOUGH!”, I scolded myself! I awaited the the mocking, “Phhhhht! Not YOU!”, that was sure to come.
Isn’t it interesting how as we stand on the precipice of something incredible our minds… panic! They begin trying to pull us back from the edge into the safety of the known…
Despite all my self doubt a response did come. “Sure! We can use all the help we can get!” That was the 48 Hour Film Project in which you have two days in order to write, shoot, edit and score a seven minute short film. One weekend with no sleep, several makeup effects, a brazen bicycle beat down, blood squirting freely and tons of coffee that shot me onto the path of the movies! That was one year ago. Since then I have worked on five projects, one of which was a feature length film released at the end of last year and I have several more scheduled out.
In the words of Jim Carey: You can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance on what you love!
My challenge to each of you is to reach for your dream, that impossible thing! Dream BIG! Act BOLDLY! And live your DREAMS!
In the Beginning
Tallis Dracos Herne
The beginning brought forth by a strange feelings of longing
An empty pit within craving nourishment
Strange noises and a flash in the corner
Movement, footsteps, lights
The strangeness increased the emptiness within
Cavernous and hollow echoing
WHAT am I looking for?
Libraries and bookstores abound yet of little help
Until the book was found
The first of many edging me down the scary path
Frightening words not to be trusted
Yet unrelenting ideas wormed into my mind and soul
Peace of mind began to settle the chaos
Perhaps not quite so scary
Perhaps… what is this?
A new world slowly blossoms before me
Light eases the fear and calms the trepidation
How could this be true…
I thought that the only path was…
How indeed
Emptiness slowly gives way to understanding
Hollowness flakes slowly away replaced by personal power
A dream begins to form its seed
Time nourishes and warms the dream
Growing quietly within the mind
Until a fracture and a separation of ways
Dream shattered?
A call, a resurrection of the Dream!
Learning, growth and companionship lead the way!
Time will tell how far this Dream leads
But for now,
I am Home
The Genie Freed
By Tallis Dracos Herne
The search, once began is never quite finished.
Once opened the Genie never returns to the bottle.
Ever changing is the path as you grow.
Each time something new presents itself we gasp in wonder.
This must be THE piece to the puzzle that I seek!
Yet there is no true end to the search once begun.
Earnestly we must travel our own paths.
Eagerly finding center to guide our steps.
There are levels at which we find comfort.
There are places at which we find peace.
Yet the Divine always beacons to those who watch.
Do we take the Genies hand like excited children on an adventure?
Or do we find our roost to nestle up and gather our roots?
Each of us must decide this each day, each year.
Neither is right. Neither is wrong.
Gather and grow your roots my fellows!
Spring along with the Genie, Adventure AWAITS my fellows!
Choose wisely but remember this!
You can always change your path!
Each day is new! Each year gives hope!
Find YOUR way in every thing you do!
If your path does not suit you… TURN RIGHT! TURN LEFT!
Choose a new direction more to your liking!
Never root yourself in decisions of old!
If the course needs adjusting… you are free to change!
So Grab your knapsack my fellows and lets go on an ADVENTURE!
Who Am I
I am the son of the woodsman
I am the child of the forest
I am a protector of all creatures
I am the wind in the sails of safety
I am the eagles talons biting into foe
I am the wool enveloping the sheep
I am the feather keeping the crow aloft
I am the baying of the wolf
I am the eye of the owl ever bright
I am the dissonant whispers on the fog
I am the hoof of the thundering mustang
I am the last egg of the Dragon
I am the bed that the river of creativity runs through
I am the smoke from the censor of inspiration
I am the dew drop on the acorn
I am the ink of lost poetry
Who but I sip the knowledge of forests?
Who but I hold vigil to the cries of the wolf?
Who but I hear the whispers of the night?
Who but I ink the ancient pages not written?
Who am I?
I am the woodsman protective and proud!
I am the sad song of the wolf
I am the poetry flowing on the wind
I am Tallis Dracos Herne